The core role of the Responsible Investment Center is to frame ESG governance for the investment platform of DWS and to ensure transparency for all stakeholder groups regarding DWS’s ESG investment activities.

The Responsible Investment Center frames ESG governance through a set of ESG principles and guidelines, such as its Responsible Investment Framework. This framework facilitates ESG integration into our investment processes and additionally secure ESG integration into new product approval and reputational risk processes. One example is our DWS Controversial Weapons Statement.

The transparency efforts comprise activities such as mandatory ESG reporting requirements, for example, DWS’s responsible investing capabilities in our DWS Group Annual Report and Deutsche Bank’s Non-Financial-Report. In addition, we supply information about our ESG activities to a variety of stakeholder groups. This is achieved through active participation in industry initiatives, market surveys, RfPs and our website. The Responsible Investment Center also coordinates regulatory projects as well as projects and requests which affect DWS’s investment activities.

Develop Guidelines

Provide Transparency

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