Explanations and data regarding Multi-Option Products (MOPs) Data

according to Regulation Nr. 1286/2014 of the European Parliament on key information documents for packaged retail and insurance-based investment products (PRIIPs).


Zip Container with all CEPTs and EPTs
Consolidated EPT file - English
Consolidated EPT File - German
Consolidated EPT file - French
Consolidated EPT file - Dutch
Consolidated EPT file - Norwegian
Consolidated EPT file - Portuguese
Consolidated EPT file - Spanish
Consolidated EPT file - Swedish
Consolidated EPT file - Italian
Consolidated EPT file - Danish
Consolidated EPT file - Finnish

To all interested parties.

On this website you can find data that DWS makes available to providers of Multi Option Products (MOPs) in relation to the PRIIPs Regulations. Please note the changelog at the bottom of the page outlining changes to the files. In the following you will find some explanations which you may find useful.

-- Please take note of the changelog --

What can I find on this website?

On this website (URL: http://dws.com/priip_mop/) you can find data in relation to funds managed by DWS that are offered as investment options within insurance contracts. This data is provided in EPT and in some cases in CEPT format.

What are EPT and CEPT?

EPT (European PRIIPs Template) and CEPT (Comfort European PRIIPs Template) are data formats that are used by the fund industry and fund associations across Europe for the exchange of fund data in line with the PRIIP Regulations.
The data offered by DWS on this site uses the EPT standard version 2.1 and CEPT standard version 2.0.

What is the intended use for this data?

The PRIIP Regulations require that the providers and, as the case may be, the distributors of MOPs make available to retail investors PRIIPs KIDs. In order to prepare the PRIIPs KIDs in relation to MOPs the providers of MOPs need data and information in relation to the underlying “investment options”, particularly funds. Providers of MOPs are normally insurance companies that offer funds managed by DWS within unit linked life insurance contracts. This data is, therefore, intended for providers of this kind of products and is not meaningful for other investors.

How can I find a certain product?

The ZIP archive containing the data of all the different funds is available at the top of the page. Further, links to language specific versions are also provided.

Files for specific funds can be found on the search site: Search

Files for individual funds can also be found in the ZIP archive containing the data of all the different funds mentioned above. With a click on the right mouse key you can start the download (“Save target as …”). Please specify a directory of your choice. Windows Explorer generally supports the ZIP format. After the download you can unzip the archive files. After that you have access to the single data files.
Within the archive you may find several files with different content for the same fund. The content of these files and the composition of the file names are both explained below. You can identify each fund and share class with the help of the ISIN that is part of each file name. Please note that the file names can be quite long (appr. 60 symbols). Accordingly problems can arise under Windows due to complex directory structures. A maximum of 255 symbols for file and directory names are allowed.
The easiest way to search is to activate the search function via pressing “CTRL F”. A search data entry field will appear in the upper part of your screen where you can then enter the fund ISIN.

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