
To all interested parties.

On this website you will find certain data that the asset management companies pertaining to DWS have delivered or will deliver to investment firms, under Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2021/1253 of 21 April 2021 amending Delegated Regulation (EU) 2017/565 ("MiFID II") and Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 November 2019 on sustainability‐related disclosures in the financial services sector ("Disclosure Regulation"). The new disclosure requirements of MiFID II and the Disclosure Regulation will enter into force on August 2, 2022, and January 1, 2023, respectively. In the following you will find some explanations which you may find useful.


What can I find on this website?

On this website (https://www.dws.com/esg_eet/) you will find certain data in relation to investment funds managed by the asset management companies pertaining to DWS Group (“DWS”) that are distributed by investment firms, which are subject to the new disclosure requirements of MiFID II as well as the Disclosure Regulation. This data is provided in the format of the European ESG Template (EET). DWS makes this data available via the EET on a voluntary basis only, i.e., without being under a regulatory obligation to do so, and without making any representation and/or warranty that the information contained therein is fit for any purpose.


What is the EET?

For many financial market participants, a large amount of ESG-related information on investment funds is necessary in preparation for the new requirements of MiFID II and the Disclosure Regulation. For the technical provision of this information, the EET is available, which was developed by FinDatEx, as a working group of the European financial services sector. The EET is thus a cross-sector template that takes into account the requirements of financial market participants such as banks, asset managers and insurance companies. The EET includes a variety of ESG data fields that support the implementation of the Disclosure Regulation as well as the adaptations of MiFID II regarding sustainability preferences.


How does DWS implement the EET?

DWS has made the EET available since May 2, 2022, and makes the EET accessible through this dedicated microsite. The EET contains the data that must be available to determine the target market. This includes the scope of data fields that FinDatEx has defined as mandatory for the launch on June 1, 2022. Since its launch on June 1st, 2022, the EET has been continuously updated and expanded by FinDatEx.

The current version of the EET can be accessed here with the corresponding adjustments. Besides, the EET is subject to periodic review by FinDatEx to appropriately reflect the extent to which market participant requirements have changed.


What is the intended use for this data?

Under MiFID II, investment firms are required to identify or review and refine, as the case may be, the target market for each financial instrument they distribute with regard to clients’ sustainability preferences. This means that they have to specify the type(s) of client for whose needs, characteristics and objectives the financial instrument is compatible. Further, the Disclosure Regulation introduces new requirements regarding transparency in the inclusion of sustainability risks and the consideration of adverse sustainability impacts when providing information on the sustainability of financial products. Accordingly, investment firms have to disclose enhanced fund prospectuses as well as periodic reports to include sustainability information to clients.

DWS supports this process by delivering relevant data via the EET to the investment firms to enable them to make their own assessment and analysis from the perspective of the distributing investment firm.


How can I find a certain product?

The ZIP archive containing the data of all the different funds is available at the top of the page.

Files for specific funds can be found on the search site: Search

Files for individual funds can also be found in the ZIP archive containing the data of all the different funds mentioned above. With a click on the right mouse key, you can start the download (“Save target as …”). Please specify a directory of your choice. Windows Explorer generally supports the ZIP format. After the download you can unzip the archive files. After that you have access to the single data files.

You can identify each fund and share class with the help of the ISIN that is part of each file name. Please note that the file names can be quite long (appr. 60 symbols). Accordingly, problems can arise under Windows due to complex directory structures. A maximum of 255 symbols for file and directory names are allowed. The easiest way to search is to activate the search function via pressing “CTRL F”. A search data entry field will appear in the upper part of your screen where you can then enter the fund ISIN.

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