Our unique process incorporates a detailed examination of your holdings, including historical and hypothetical performance and risk data based on various allocations.

An in-depth assessment process

DWS PortfolioIQ can help you and your clients better understand the overall risk of your model portfolios using institutional caliber tools. Our team of investment professionals provide an assessment of your portfolio’s risk factors to ensure the ones that you are taking are intentional and consistent with your goals, objectives, and constraints.

Global risk assets are exhibiting elevated levels of volatility with many expecting more to come. Try running a PortfolioIQ with our team today to help capitalize on new opportunities or uncover hidden risks before they impact your portfolio.

How it works

You simply provide the tickers and percentage weights of your model portfolios. Our team will perform a review of your current allocations and provide an assessment via phone or WebEx to review current factors driving the portfolio and offer suggestions to help meet whatever end-goal you have in mind.

Perhaps you’re looking to add exposure to a various sector and/or geographic region. Maybe you’re looking to implement a new asset class like alternatives and you want to understand the effects. Our team can help provide the data and detailed explanations to these types of questions and more.


Request a Portfolio IQ analysis

Financial professionals, request a PortfolioIQ analysis via email or call us at (800) 621-1148.
Email us

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