Appraisal Values Finding a Bottom

Following a valuation reset, elevated cap rates may reward investors with stronger income returns and buoy rental growth by squeezing the supply pipeline.

Real estate marked its sixth consecutive quarter of negative returns at the beginning of 2024.[1] However, prices picked up slightly in transactions markets.[2] The disconnect is not unusual: Historically, appraisals have lagged market fluctuations.[3] The question is: Have they now reached a bottom?

Valuation metrics suggest that they are getting close, in our view. Historically, long-term BAA corporate bond yields of 6% are consistent with cap rates in the high-5% range (see Exhibit). Appraisal cap rates were well below that in the first quarter, at 4.7%.[1] However, after four years of strong rent growth, there is an extraordinary gap (18%) between in-place and market rents, primarily in the industrial sector, but also, to a lesser degree, in other sectors.[4] On a mark-to-market basis, appraisal cap rates (5.5%) arguably have a bit further to rise — and values to fall — to reconcile to today’s interest rates, but not much.[5] In our view, the adjustment will be complete in short order, likely in the second quarter of 2024.

Sources: Moody’s (BAA); NCREIF (cap rate); Altus (mark-to-market); DWS (calculations). As of March 2024.

Importantly, interest rates do not need to fall to allow for a real estate recovery. Following the valuation reset, elevated cap rates may reward investors with stronger income returns and buoy rental growth by squeezing the supply pipeline. Of course, another interest-rate spike would upend the market once again, but with inflation easing, we believe this is unlikely.[6] In our view, the recent firming in market prices augurs well for a return to positive returns in the second half of the year.


Additional Resources

1. NCREIF. As of March 2024.

2. GSA. As of April 2024.

3. NCREIF (valuations); GSA (prices); DWS (calculations). As of March 2024.

4. Altus. As of March 2024.

5. DWS. As of March 2024.

6. Bureau of Economic Analysis. As of March 2024.

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