12-Sep-24 Forecasts

Our forecasts

In light of the very dynamic market environment these forecasts are subject to change at any time.


 Still waiting for U.S. slowdown

GDP growth (in %, year-on-year)



United States 2.4 ‌ 1.7
Eurozone 0.7 ‌ 1.0
United Kingdom 1.0 ‌ 1.2
Japan 0.0 ‌ 1.2
China 4.8   4.4
World 3.1 ‌ 3.2

Fiscal deficit (in % of GDP)



United States 6.0 ‌ 5.9
Eurozone 2.8 ‌ 2.7
United Kingdom 4.0 ‌ 3.7
Japan 4.5 ‌ 3.0
China 13.3 ‌ 13

Consumer price inflation (in %, year-on-year)



United States[1] 2.9 ‌ 2.3
Eurozone 2.5 ‌ 2.3
United Kingdom 2.6 ‌ 2.4
Japan 2.5 ‌ 2.0
China 0.5   1.7

Unemployment Rate (annual average)



United States 4.3 ‌ 4.1
Eurozone 6.6 ‌ 6.6
United Kingdom 4.4   4.5
Japan 2.5 ‌ 2.4
China 5.0 ‌ 5.0

Benchmark rates (in %)


September 25F

United States 5.25-5.50 ‌ 3.75-4.00
Eurozone 3.75 ‌ 2.50
United Kingdom 5.00 ‌ 3.75
Japan 0.25   0.75
China 3.35 ‌ 3.10

Commodities (in dollars)


September 25F

Crude oil (Brent) 73.0   80
Gold 2,484   2,810
Copper (LME) 9,000   10,000
Carbon 67   80


No recession no correction?


September 2025F


Total Return (exp.)[4]

Expected earnings growth

P/E impact

Dividend yield

United States
(S&P 500)

5,503 ‌ 5,800 6.1% 10.7% -6.0% 1.5%

(Stoxx Europe 600)

512 ‌ 540 8.6% 4.9% 0.2% 3.5%

(Euro Stoxx 50)

4,815 ‌ 5,100 9.0% 4.1% 1.5% 3.5%


18,577 ‌ 20,000 7.3% 7.8% -3.7% 3.2%

United Kingdom
(FTSE 100)

8,242 ‌ 8,350 4.8% 2.4% -1.5% 3.8%

(Swiss Market Index)

12,031 ‌ 12,350 5.3% 9.7% -7.5% 3.1%

(MSCI Japan Index)

1,608 ‌ 1,760 11.8% 8.4% 1.0% 2.4%

MSCI Emerging Markets Index

1,076 ‌ 1,140 8.8% 13.0% -7.1% 2.9%

MSCI AC Asia ex Japan Index

687 ‌ 740 10.2% 12.7% -5.2% 2.7%

F refers to DWS Investment GmbH forecasts as of 09/05/24

Fixed Income

6 cuts in next 12 months


September 2025F

United States
U.S. Treasuries (10-year) 3.73%   4.05%
U.S. municipal bonds[6]  71 bp   75 bp
U.S. investment-grade corporates[6] 92 bp   85 bp
U.S. high-yield corporates[6] 315 bp   375 bp
Securitized: mortgage-backed securities[6] 132 bp   120 bp 
German Bunds (10-year) 2.21%   2.25%
UK Gilts (10-year) 3.92%   4.00%
Euro investment-grade corporates[7] 115 bp   95 bp
Euro high-yield corporates[7] 365 bp   400 bp
Securitized: covered bonds[7] 62 bp   50 bp
Italy (10-year)[7] 143 bp   180 bp
Asia- Pacific
Japanese government bonds (10-year)   0.88%   1.40%
Asia credit 224 bp   125 bp
Emerging-market sovereigns 388 bp   390 bp




EUR vs. USD 1.11   1.08
USD vs. JPY 143   140
EUR vs. GBP 0.84 ‌ 0.84
GBP vs. USD 1.32   1.29
USD vs. CNY 7.09   7.15

F refers to our forecasts as of 09/05/2024
LME = London Metal Exchange
bp = basis points


  • Macro data exchange rates and alternative investments: The arrows signal whether we expect to see an upward trend  , a sideways trend   or a downward trend  .
  • The signals' colors illustrate the return opportunities for long-only investors:  positive return potential for long-only investors.  limited return opportunity as well as downside risk.  negative return potential for long-only investors.

The ECB seems increasingly confident

There are good reasons European monetary policymakers appear increasingly confident of reaching their inflation target of 2% again in the not-too-distant future.
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1. core rate, personal consumption expenditure as end of Dec 2024/Dec 2025 in % (no average as for the other figures in the table)

2. Source: Bloomberg Finance L.P. as of 09/05/24

3. Sources: Bloomberg Finance L.P., FactSet Research Systems Inc. as of 09/05/24

4. Expected total return includes interest, dividends and capital gains where applicable

5. Total-return index (includes dividends)

6. Spread over U.S. Treasuries

7. Spread over German Bunds

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