CIO Archive

Results: 199 Matches

22-Nov-23 Forecasts

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Alternatives, Currencies, Equities, Fixed Income, Macro
11-Sep-23 Forecasts

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Fixed Income, Equities, Alternatives, Commodities
06-Jun-23 Forecasts

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Fixed Income, Macro, Equities, Alternatives, Commodities
10-Mar-23 Forecasts

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Fixed Income, Macro, Equities, Alternatives, Commodities
21-Nov-22 Forecasts

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Fixed Income, Macro, Equities, Alternatives, Commodities
27-Jan-23 Fixed Income

One January doesn’t make a December

Investors began the year in quite a relaxed mood and there are some good reasons for that. But it would be premature to be too confident about the prospects for the year as a whole.

Central banks, Americas, Interest rates
06-Jan-23 Fixed Income

Of Bund yields and paradigm shifts

In 2023, occasionally looking at an issue through pre-2010 paradigms might be quite helpful. Yields on German government bonds are a case in point.

Fixed Income
07-Jun-24 Americas

Not quite Taylored fit

When and how far U.S. interest rates should fall is quite a judgement call. Simple monetary-policy rules provide quite a wide range of plausible estimates.

Europe, Elections
24-Jul-23 Letter to Investors

No pressure, no diamonds: Letter to our investors

By: Paul Kelly

Global Head of Alternatives | Paul Kelly

Alternatives, Real Estate, Infrastructure
23-Aug-24 Equities

No more tailwind from money supply

For a year now, equity markets have been running ahead of the money supply. You can look at it one way or another, but stocks have one less stimulus to benefit from.

14-Jun-24 ESG

Massively growing demand for natural resources

Increasing consumption in modern consumer society poses an ever-growing global challenge.

ESG, Sustainability
17-Feb-23 Eurozone

Markets hardly impressed by the Ukraine war

The start of the war a year ago caused markets to plummet, as did expectations. Recently, these were mostly exceeded in Europe. How long can the markets thrive on this?

Central banks, Americas, Macro
14-Apr-23 Macro

Making the electric car revolution work

Charging points for electric vehicles are emerging as an increasingly interesting segment infrastructure investors should keep an eye on.

Central banks, Americas, Macro
19-Jan-24 ESG

Making sense of commodity price forecasts

Geopolitical risk adds yet another layer of complexity to understanding commodity prices. In terms of forecast accuracy, though, it’s all about the vol.

31-Mar-23 Europe

Lending squeeze, rather than credit crunch

For a change, Europe’s banking sector appears in reasonably good shape. That’s good news, not least as supranational decision-making remains fragmented.

Central banks, Americas, Macro
Results 46-60 of 199
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