CIO Archive

Results: 201 Matches

02-Aug-24 Energy

Electrifying growth

How data storage, processing and retrieval are reshaping Europe’s economic geography – and what the rest of the world can learn from the old continent’s experience.

29-Nov-23 ESG

Electrification: The Innovator's Dilemma

Current plans for utilizing renewable energy as the most cost-effective solution to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions look set to shake up many established business models

23-Jun-23 Bonds

ECB balance sheet falls but no one may notice

Next week the ECB's balance sheet will shrink by over 6%. Further reduction will take place much more slowly – with uncertain consequences for the markets.

05-Jun-23 Dividend

Dividend stocks – all-rounder in tricky times

By: Björn Jesch

The relatively calm markets of the past two months should not hide a certain disorientation among investors, reflecting the great uncertainties on the economy and inflation. Dividend stocks may help investors weather economic storms.

26-May-23 ESG

Dialing up climate finance to emerging markets

How World Bank reforms might help attract more private sector capital, which is urgently needed to meet greenhouse gas emission targets

17-Apr-23 Macro

Deglobalization – rather diversified globalization

Brexit, Trump, Covid-19 and Putin’s war on Ukraine came as shocks. The end of globalization? Probably not

15-Sep-23 Americas

Decarbonizing Corporate America

Decarbonizing Corporate America will be discussed on the New York Climate Week. Adopting science-based emission reduction targets might help.

24-Nov-23 Americas

Debtor’s prism

Some U.S. households are clearly getting squeezed by higher interest rates. How much of a macroeconomic impact this will have is surprisingly tricky, however.

25-Jan-24 Fixed Income

Danger of rising yields if Trump is re-elected?

Should investors in U.S. government bonds be worried about what a Trump election win would mean for their asset class? We see good reasons to expect yields to rise.

29-Nov-23 Macro

Cryptocurrencies: the portfolio perspective

As a relatively young asset class, cryptocurrencies, in our view, could be a valuable portfolio addition in an uncertain (rather than just a risky) world

08-Dec-23 Digitalization

Cryptic messages

It would be premature to read too much into the tighter correlations post pandemic, not least given recent declines.

12-Mar-24 CIO Special

Critical Tech offers opportunity amid deglobalization retreat

By: Björn Jesch

Critical technologies are being identified and promoted as deglobalization advances

Macro, Technology
09-Feb-24 Bonds

Covered bonds start the year strong

In our view, German covered bonds offer an attractive yield pick-up over German government bonds

Americas, Bonds, Europe
03-May-24 Inflation

Comparing apples and oranges

A look at underlying inflation components shows a mixed picture. The U.S. Federal Reserve (Fed) is right to be patient.

Central banks, Inflation
29-Nov-23 ESG

Circular Economy: Squaring the circle

How moving towards a carbon-neutral and ecologically sustainable circular economy is not only natural but can also be profitable.

Alternatives, Real Estate
Results 136-150 of 201
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