
Results: 212 Matches

18-Mar-24 Americas

Americas CIO View

By: David Bianco

New S&P 500 target of 5300: A.I. lives and it needs food and shelter

Americas, Equities
17-Mar-24 Blog

Frank Kelly’s Geopolitical Week Ahead | March 17, 2024

By: Francis (Frank) J. Kelly

European Union (EU) leaders will gather for a European Council Summit this week to discuss a heavy agenda. U.S. Congress faces yet another deadline to get appropriations bills done (by Friday) or face a partial government shutdown.

15-Mar-24 Currencies

Strong performance for crypto currencies

Introduction of Bitcoin ETFs has given the segment a boost

12-Mar-24 CIO Special

Critical Tech offers opportunity amid deglobalization retreat

By: Björn Jesch

Critical technologies are being identified and promoted as deglobalization advances

Macro, Technology
08-Mar-24 Americas

When not to fuss over wage growth

Recent strong wage growth among lowly paid, young job switchers may reflect them moving into potentially more productive jobs. Such gains need not be inflationary.

01-Mar-24 Energy

Europe has overcome its energy crisis

More secure supply brings gas prices back down

Eurozone, Europe, Energy
25-Feb-24 Blog

Frank Kelly’s Geopolitical Week Ahead | February 25, 2024

By: Francis (Frank) J. Kelly

This coming week, there will be a keen global focus on the U.S. House of Representatives for two big reasons – March 1 government shutdown deadline and discussion on aid for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan.

23-Feb-24 Fixed Income

Italian government bonds beat Bunds

The BTP/Bund spread falls impressively

Fixed Income
23-Feb-24 Americas

Americas CIO View

By: David Bianco

The end of macro?: Some companies are so big they are the macro

22-Feb-24 Macro

India – a poorly kept secret

By: Björn Jesch

India's demographic advantages are well known. The government's capex offensive, expanding exports and the bond market’s opening are now also generating momentum for stock markets.

Macro, Asia & Pacific, Emerging Markets
16-Feb-24 Elections

Tales of the unexpected

Donald Trump’s electoral performance in both 2016 and 2020 suggests that returning to the White House is likely to prove an uphill struggle.

15-Feb-24 DWS Research Institute

A Bit of Bitcoin: Considerations for an Allocation

By: Robert Bush, Angelina Kostyrina, Steve Kurz, David Knowlton, CFA

​A short examination of how investors should think about Bitcoin. Which investment and asset class framework to use for thinking about them, and whether they deserve a place in a diversified portfolio.

13-Feb-24 DWS Research Institute

U.S. High Yield for Insurance Companies

By: Jason Chen

Evaluating the high yield landscape for insurance investors

12-Feb-24 Blog

Frank Kelly’s Geopolitical Week Ahead | February 12, 2024

By: Francis (Frank) J. Kelly

Jordanian King Abdullah will meet with President Biden, Indonesia holds presidential elections, Munich Security Conference is to be held and big U.S. regulatory events.

12-Feb-24 DWS Research Institute

High Yield Bonds for Allocators

By: Jason Chen

Evaluating the use of high yield within an investment portfolio

Multi Asset, Fixed Income
Results 46-60 of 212
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CIO View