Introducing the transformation of Europe

Europe is in urgent need of transformation. The foundations of its prosperity and security are crumbling under the weight of a geopolitical and geo-economic landscape increasingly defined by crisis.

Multiple major challenges are exposing the status quo as unfit for the future. They include:

In the face of these and other structural and cyclical factors, the threat of continued decline is significant. The task now is to halt that decline and create a Europe that is truly dynamic, forward-looking and sustainable.

This likely represents the most ambitious and important project of our generation. As such, it also represents a unique opportunity for investors with the potential to deliver positive financial and non-financial outcomes on a far-reaching scale.

The funding gap: a unique opportunity for long-term investors

Harnessing the power of private markets

Investing for the transformation of Europe

Building on our experience, our ground-breaking research into the need for European Transformation has identified a number of themes we believe will be crucial to bringing about change on the scale now required.

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The Center for European Transformation:

A partnership with Frankfurt School of Finance & Management

The transformation of Europe is a collective challenge that demands a collective response. The Centre for European Transformation represents a groundbreaking effort to both ensure and guide such a response.

A partnership between DWS and the Frankfurt School of Finance & Management, the Centre is dedicated to cutting-edge thinking around the creation of a truly dynamic, forward-looking and sustainable Europe.

It brings together academics, business figures, policymakers and other stakeholders to analyze European Transformation and inform high-level decision-making as this essential shared journey continues to unfold. The research centre actively connects with the public through a variety of engaging activities, including research projects, collaborative working groups, and a diverse range of events such as conferences or workshops.

The Centre’s unique mission is to help clients and investment teams understand an ever-evolving range of risks and opportunities – particularly in relation to sustainability.

To learn more about the Centre for European Transformation visit:


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Shaping the era of positive disruption

Framing the policymaking challenge

Centre for European Transformation Annual Report 2024

Frankfurt School

Read the full report

The dedicated research hub for European Transformation

DWS and the case for European Transformation

DWS’s own research shows what is needed today is a transformation that is both multifaceted and profound.

Visit our dedicated research hub

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Contact Alice to learn more about DWS' approach to European Transformation

Alice Miles

Head of Alternatives Specialists, EMEA-X

1. Source: DWS analysis March 2024 based on EU Commission, Morgan Stanley

2. See, for example, European Commission: “Towards a green, digital and resilient economy: our European Growth Model”, March 2 2022.

3. European Commission (July 2022) CMU Progress

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