DWS at the Impact Investor Global Summit 2023

DWS, offering Alternatives solutions and an investment heritage spanning more than 50 years

For Professional Clients (MiFID Directive 2014/65/EU Annex II) only. Not for distribution to private/retail investors.

DWS is pleased to be a LEAD sponsor of the Impact Investor Global Summit 2023!

We hope you are enjoying the conference and would like to thank you for visiting the DWS stand and microsite to learn more about our Alternatives capabilities.

Europe needs transforming – but why now?  DWS understands that revamping Europe to make it fit for the future requires capital and dynamism.

If Europe wishes to maintain the same level of prosperity achieved in the last few decades, a deep transformational journey is required. To protect living standards and build resilience in a world of heightened climate and geopolitical risk, transformative investments are needed across Europe’s commercial and residential real estate sectors, infrastructure, and along emerging market supply chains.

The mobilisation of private capital to support European Transformation is an immediate strategic priority at DWS. We believe the long-term nature of private markets is currently better suited for driving European transformation.

Read more:

A Framework for European Transformation

Why has European Transformation become a matter of urgency? Read our report to learn more and about role real estate can play in the Europe's transformation journey.
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European Transformation and Real Estate

A focus on Office

‘Climate change risks’ are a key theme underpinning Europe’s urgent need to transform and the effect is already being felt across Europe.  Buildings are the single largest energy consumer in Europe using 40% of the EU’s energy and creating 36% of the EU’s greenhouse gas emissions. The EU commission has proposed that by 2030 all new buildings must be zero-emission… but this still leaves the existing building stock, 85% of which will still be standing in 2050.

At DWS, we believe transforming undervalued office into ‘best in class’ and holistically resilient workplace assets will create a resilient real estate portfolio for investors while addressing the urgent need to boost retro fitting rates to address the EU Commissions broader goals.

Want to know more?

See Carol Choy, Director, European Real Estate Transactions at DWS speak on the Day 1 panel:

Landscape of impact and thematic investment opportunities
Tuesday 16th May 2023 at 11.45am

Read our latest reports on the office sector:

European Transformation and Infrastructure

The transformation of Europe cannot occur without the foundational infrastructure that the economy and wider society relies upon being at the heart of that change.

Europe’s need for investment in decarbonisation, digitalisation, and social infrastructure creates a compelling opportunity for investors given the vast array of projects associated to creating an economy that is climate resilient.  

Read more:

European Transformation and Private Debt

European transformation is an ambitious project requiring significant capital deployment. Some transformation will require significant investments from corporates in areas such as batteries and the development of an electric grid, and regulators will need to enable partnership structures to bring activities outsourced to Asia back to Europe.

High debt levels limits what governments can do. Private debt will need to fill the investment gap.

Read more:

Direct Lending & the European Transformation

A financing solution for SMEs to participate in the transition

Read report

The European Energy Efficiency Fund – eeef - is an innovative public-private partnership dedicated to mitigating climate change through energy efficiency measures and the use of renewable energy in the member states of the European Union.

Connect with me at the Impact Investor Summit to learn more about eeef

“The eeef is at the forefront of implementing the EU Green Deal by targeting EU Taxonomy conform renewable energy and energy efficiency projects. It allows investors to lead the European transformation by gaining exposure to lighthouse Public Private Partnership projects in Europe, while at the same time being protected by a substantial first loss buffer provided by the European Commission.”

Johannes Heickmann, Senior Product Specialist Private Debt I Sustainable Investments at DWS

Learn more

Connect with our DWS Representatives to further discuss your investment needs:

Johannes Heickmann

Senior Product Specialist Private Debt / Sustainable Investments, DWS

Issie Armstrong

Head of Real Estate Specialists, EMEA-X

This information is subject to change at any time, based upon economic, market and other considerations and should not be construed as a recommendation.

Forecasts are not a reliable indicator of future performance. Forecasts are based on assumptions, estimates, opinions and hypothetical models that may prove to be incorrect.

Alternative investments may be speculative and involve significant risks including illiquidity, heightened potential for loss and lack of transparency. Alternatives are not suitable for all clients. There is no assurance that investment objectives can be achieved. Source: DWS and various market data sources including but not limited to Bloomberg, Green Street Advisors, and CBRE-EA. 

This document is intended to be a marketing communication. DWS is the brand name under which DWS Group GmbH & Co. KGaA and its subsidiaries do business. Clients will be provided DWS products and/or services by one or more legal entities as identified to them in relevant documentation.

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