At our Annual General Meeting (AGM) in November 2020, DWS expressed our ambition to become climate neutral in our actions, in line with the Paris Agreement, and well ahead of 2050. This applies to both DWS’s corporate and portfolio greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

In accordance with this long-term ambition, we became a founding signatory of the Net Zero Asset Managers (NZAM) initiative in December 2020.  Subsequently, we set our 2030 interim decarbonisation targets in November 2021, and committed to the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) methodology as the underlying reference framework for our Net Zero approach.[1]

As NZAM signatory, DWS regularly reports against our net zero commitments via the CDP Climate Change questionnaire for the Financial Sector. Below we include the relevant extracts of DWS Annual Disclosures to CDP[2] embellished with further details on the methodology, metrics and reconciliation of figures.

  DOWNLOAD: DWS Net Zero Annual disclosure 2022 (based on DWS Annual Disclosure to CDP in 2024)

  DOWNLOAD: DWS Net Zero Annual disclosure 2021 (based on DWS Annual Disclosure to CDP in 2023)

  DOWNLOAD: DWS Net Zero Annual disclosure 2020 (based on DWS Annual Disclosure to CDP in 2022)




1. For in-scope legal entities

2. The disclosure year reflects DWS portfolio holdings of the last reporting year. Due to a lag in reporting and availability of emissions data, emission data are considered with one year time lag vs. holding data.

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