CIO Archive

Results: 71 Matches

Aug 30, 2024 ESG

China dominates the expansion of solar capacity

Growing supply led to significantly falling prices for solar modules

ESG, Macro
Aug 23, 2024 Equities

No more tailwind from money supply

For a year now, equity markets have been running ahead of the money supply. You can look at it one way or another, but stocks have one less stimulus to benefit from.

Aug 16, 2024 Macro

Change in styles to calm nerves

Fully participating in a potential market recovery or staying cautious given the market nervousness? For combining both, the portfolio needs the right diversification

Aug 02, 2024 Energy

Electrifying growth

How data storage, processing and retrieval are reshaping Europe’s economic geography – and what the rest of the world can learn from the old continent’s experience.

Jul 26, 2024 Commodities

Bloomberg Commodity Index looks soft

Grains have often shown where commodities are heading

Commodities, Europe
Jul 19, 2024 ESG

The last emissions cuts better be the deepest

Based on current trajectories, Europe’s 2030 greenhouse-gas-emission ambitions are in jeopardy. To meet its targets, Europe needs to dial up decarbonization efforts.

ESG, Europe
Jul 12, 2024 Währungen

Yen to dollar at its weakest level since 1986

Short-term we see only a small chance of a sustainable countermove

Central banks, Interest rates
Jul 05, 2024 Central banks

After the June cut: what’s ahead for ECB rates

The ECB cut its policy rates in June, as expected. But that does not mean that the Frankfurt- based central bank will cut again in July.

Central banks, Interest rates
Jun 28, 2024 Macro

Two years of yield curve inversion in the U.S.

Recession looks likely to be avoided this time

Jun 21, 2024 Europe

French recipes for a change

In markets as in politics, perceptions often matter more than electoral realities. That helps explain why markets got spooked by snap elections in France.

Europe, Elections
Jun 14, 2024 ESG

Massively growing demand for natural resources

Increasing consumption in modern consumer society poses an ever-growing global challenge.

ESG, Sustainability
Jun 07, 2024 Americas

Not quite Taylored fit

When and how far U.S. interest rates should fall is quite a judgement call. Simple monetary-policy rules provide quite a wide range of plausible estimates.

Europe, Elections
May 24, 2024 Europe

High long-term significance of European elections

Election outcome expected to reflect broader trends and changes

Europe, Elections
May 17, 2024 Europe

Protest votes, the European way

Elections to the European Parliament are getting close. A quick overview on how they work and why it matters, even if the immediate market impact is likely to be limited.

Europe, Elections
May 10, 2024 Europe

German public investments too low

Debt brake is increasingly being called into question

Europe, Macro
Results 1-15 of 71
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