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An insipid growth and inflation outlook will thwart an interest--rate turnaround this year.
A new DWS study examines the most important asset classes’ long-term return expectations. The "Multi-Asset Long View" offers long-term investors valuable insights for their portfolio composition.
By: Michael Lewis, Murray Birt
The Why, The What and The How
Green bonds are an important part of a portfolio that is aligned with the low-carbon transition.
By: Murray Birt
Everything you need to know about climate change from a scientific, legal, actuarial, accounting, investment consultant, and portfolio management perspective.
Central banks are increasing their efforts to promote the transition to a more sustainable financial system
By: Shalin Bhagwan
The merits of private infrastructure debt for Cashflow Driven Investors.
Responsible investing that reduces your carbon footprint.
By: Thomas Gillmann
Rising interest rates have resulted in significant losses on the existing portfolios of Asian insurers while the overall impact on their solvency position has been positive.