The most important terms of the Internet of Things - from API to wearables



A network of remote servers hosted on the Internet are used to store, manage, and process data,

rather than a local server or a personal computer.

The advantage of the "cloud" is that the data can be accessed from everywhere.



Application Programming Interfaces (API) are the bridges between the individual devices in the Internet of Things.

It is these programing interfaces that enable the smart devices to exchange data.



When machines talk with each other, this is referred to as Machine-to-Machine Communication (M2M).

Human intervention is no longer required –

for example when sensors on parking spaces report to automobiles that they are vacant.


Smart Home / Smart Cities

In smart cities, millions of sensors in apartment blocks (smart homes), street lamps,

buses or parking garages are linked with each other to save electricity or to optimize traffic.



Networked technology that users wear on their body; for example smartwatches or data glasses.


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