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Economic Overview

Mar 03, 2023 Americas

Plenty of U.S. jobs, still too few takers

Never since the 1940s have so many U.S. job openings coincided with so few job seekers. This help explain why the Fed is likely to continue its hawkishly cautious stance.

Central banks, Americas, Macro
Feb 24, 2023 Macro

How and why “money” matters again

Monetary aggregates can help increase accuracy in inflation forecasts. It is nice to see such ideas finally catching on again, but don’t get carried away either.

Central banks, Americas, Macro
Feb 17, 2023 Eurozone

Markets hardly impressed by the Ukraine war

The start of the war a year ago caused markets to plummet, as did expectations. Recently, these were mostly exceeded in Europe. How long can the markets thrive on this?

Central banks, Americas, Macro
Feb 03, 2023 Macro

Inflation, Japanese-style, at long last

For now, there are good reasons for the Bank of Japan to remain fairly relaxed about any potential wage-price spiral.

Central banks, Americas, Interest rates
Oct 18, 2022 CIO Special

China’s 20th Communist Party Congress: A leader-ship reshuffle in a challenging environment

Expectations are high for the Party Congress. Companies and investors hope to get hints on potential Covid policy changes and support for the ailing real estate sector.

Jul 18, 2022 CIO Special

Italian journeys

A lot has changed when it comes to the European government debt market since the Eurozone crises a decade ago – despite the latest political crisis in Italy.

Macro, Eurozone, Fixed Income

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