CIO Archive

Results: 239 Matches

Feb 21, 2023 Equities

Americas CIO View

By: David Bianco

Manufacturing & Digital recession = S&P 500 profit recession, but not for jobs

Equities, Americas
Jan 30, 2023 Equities

Americas CIO View

By: David Bianco

Super profits of 2021-2022: New norms or exceptional circumstances?

Equities, Americas
Jan 23, 2023 Equities

Americas CIO View

By: David Bianco

A long year ahead and opportunity cash now pays interest: Be patient!

Equities, Americas
Mar 20, 2024 Letter to Investors

AI must fix it

By: Björn Jesch

No economic slump, falling inflation and the first interest rate cuts. Not a bad environment for capital investments, especially bonds. AI must deliver soon for equities.

Alternatives, Fixed Income, Equities, Macro, Multi Asset
Apr 17, 2023 Macro

Aging societies – the end of “Japanification”

“Japanification” = shorthand for countries with persisting low inflation and yields, but the comparisons fall short

Jul 14, 2023 Macro

After the pandemic savings glut

Why we think there might still be excess savings left, even among U.S. households, to keep the global economy rolling for a little longer.

Jul 05, 2024 Central banks

After the June cut: what’s ahead for ECB rates

The ECB cut its policy rates in June, as expected. But that does not mean that the Frankfurt- based central bank will cut again in July.

Central banks, Interest Rates
Oct 20, 2023 Equities

A Korean sneak preview

Can global central banks really engineer a smooth end after a turbulent pandemic ride? South Korea’s property markets may offer some fascinating glimpses at the future.

Oct 06, 2023 Americas

A House without a Speaker

Chaos on Capitol Hill is likely to have surprisingly benign consequences for the dollar.

Nov 22, 2023 Letter to Investors

2024 – it could be good, by year end

By: Björn Jesch

How optimistic can we be about investments in 2024 if the year starts with a recession? We can to some extent because our forecasts focus on the end of the year.

Alternatives, Fixed Income, Equities, Macro, Multi Asset
Sep 20, 2024 10 Themes

10 themes for the year ahead

By: Björn Jesch

CIO View Special

Nov 29, 2023 Macro

10 themes for the year 2024

By: Björn Jesch

CIO View Special

Macro, Alternatives, Equities, Fixed Income, Allocation, ESG, Artificial Intelligence, Digitalization
Sep 24, 2024 10 Themes

10 Themes - #2: Inverted yield curves finally end. What now?

Who stands to benefit from the yield-curve steepening in Treasuries and Bunds?

Fixed Income, Government Bonds, Interest Rates
Sep 20, 2024 10 Themes

10 Themes - #1: Changing demographics

The aging trend in the coming years poses massive challenges for society. How will this affect the capital markets?

Demographics, Retirement Solutions
Results 226-239 of 239
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CIO View