CIO Archive

Results: 238 Matches

Sep 13, 2024 ESG

Chinese electric cars are in the fast lane

The electrification of the global vehicle fleet is progressing – which poses serious challenges for traditional carmakers, not least European ones.

ESG, Macro
Oct 18, 2022 CIO Special

China’s 20th Communist Party Congress: A leader-ship reshuffle in a challenging environment

Expectations are high for the Party Congress. Companies and investors hope to get hints on potential Covid policy changes and support for the ailing real estate sector.

Sep 04, 2023 Asia & Pacific

China: downturn or u-turn?

By: Björn Jesch

China is experiencing a crisis of confidence, increasing the danger of all-out crisis. But our core scenario remains relatively positive as we also see important structural strengths.

Asia & Pacific, Macro, Real Estate, Real Estate, Multi Asset
Aug 30, 2024 ESG

China dominates the expansion of solar capacity

Growing supply led to significantly falling prices for solar modules

ESG, Macro
Aug 27, 2021 Globalization

China and the U.S. move apart

By: Elke Speidel-Walz

A more complex relationship with a global impact

Emerging Markets, Globalization, Politics, Macro, Technology
Aug 16, 2024 Macro

Change in styles to calm nerves

Fully participating in a potential market recovery or staying cautious given the market nervousness? For combining both, the portfolio needs the right diversification

Nov 10, 2023 ESG

Carbon allowances correlations with European equities

Carbon allowances are emerging as a fascinating new asset class. As Europe’s carbon market matures, it is starting to display distinct equity market correlations.

Mar 23, 2023 Infrastructure

Capitalizing on infrastructure opportunities

By: Björn Jesch

With inflation likely to remain sticky and unpredictable, both listed and non-listed real estate look like increasingly reasonable alternatives to other asset classes.

Fixed Income
Oct 04, 2022 Fixed Income

Bonds are back with carry

The bond sell-off and aggressive monetary policy allow for a new look at the segment

Fixed Income
Nov 29, 2023 Fixed Income

Bonds – strong year ahead

After a historically long dry spell, 2024 could become a good year for bonds. A resurgence of inflation remains a risk, but the high carry provides some security cushion – especially for corporate bonds.

Fixed Income, Bonds
Jul 26, 2024 Commodities

Bloomberg Commodity Index looks soft

Grains have often shown where commodities are heading

Commodities, Europe
Mar 24, 2023 ESG

AT1 - beneficial wake-up call

Supplementary capital - AT1 - gained unexpected notoriety this week. This may make banks position themselves more solidly even without regulatory pressure.

Central banks, Americas, Macro
Dec 16, 2020 Asia & Pacific

Asia’s new trade bloc makes it even stronger

By: Elke Speidel-Walz

Despite de-globalization fears, China and Asia are back at the center of global supply chains. The RCEP Asian trade-integration plan has big global implications.

Macro, Asia & Pacific, Global
Nov 29, 2023 Equities

Asia Pacific: regional diversification

With its diverse strengths, Asia remains a global growth driver in our view. It is worth taking a look at the entire region, not least as a potential counterweight to the dominance of U.S. equities.

May 02, 2023 Equities

Artificial Intelligence – The Journey Begins

The first quarter of 2023 will likely go down in history as the time when the world became aware that the “cognitive” abilities of information machines hit a tipping point.

Results 181-195 of 238
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